Just came across style beat with the “honeycomb” lantern by Majorie Skouras.
Gotta-Say that it’s always funny when a designer has a line based on other peoples work and factories that have done it well before hand. Even that piece was a historic interpretation that I did years ago for a Marc Appleton client for Marc Enos. (there is a connection to all 3 parties)
So needless to say, we typically give credit back in a historical reference or based on the project design team if we did not internally create the fixture. Our teams’ work has graced many of the pages of every book of Landry, Appleton, KAA, + Robert Stern + lots of others and the pages of 200 + magazines from AD to Worth, with almost no credit.
That’s ok. We just wanted you to have a reference. True creative and adg solution based manufacturing© is made to look effortless by our team that has done this for the past 20 years. Here is our ECLIPSE fun serious and maybe edgy grouping of products from us .http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/?p=423 (click the photo), this is exciting historical and future history in context. These are just some of the 900 plus projects world wide I have completed.
We can always discuss the leveraging of design/ architecture on the backsides of artisan and craftsman. Architects of yesterday, like McKim Meade & White, Kahn and Mies always gave credit. Today there is a lost respect and big secret to who made what, with designers calling themselves manufacturers and Magazines crediting Architects for grand vision when it may have been a collaborative.
We appreciate all the work over the years from our collaborators and have been graced with opportunity. We like many factories and experts have backed the front end of glossy pages and portfolio snapshots of the “Design Professional”.
But really – when a company licenses based on the building blocks of other’s labor and there is nothing more than a face to a brand of designer and monetary transaction levering perceived design –then we would prefer to see industry experts once again rise and shine. (REF. Caldwell Lighting, http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/Caldwell/intro.cfm)
If you every want to dig deep or need help with this let me know. This is beyond us seeking credit, but a direct industry revolution, like the dress, suits and jewels of the red carpet, a quiet couture house usually is the real style maker. That’s exciting and meaningful.
As a former style editor for House Beautiful and O at Home, an Oprah Magazine, Marisa Marcantonio covers interior design and home furnishings. Marisa shares what makes design exciting and meaningful, all with a young and traditional slant.
http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/?p=419 Gail Barley Credited
http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/?p=368 Susan Cohen Credited
http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/?p=313 Lafia/ Arvin always credited and credits us. Thanks Monique