Just came across style beat with the “honeycomb” lantern by Majorie Skouras. http://www.cottages-gardens.com/StyleBeat/August-2011/The-Old-Ball-and-Chain-Round-Pendant-Hanging-Fixtures/ Gotta-Say that it’s always funny when a designer has a line based on other peoples work and… Continue reading when credit is due
Designlog Decorative Light Fixtures
Architectural Detail Group Decorative Designlog R1
Lighting Group makes fun, edgy and serious design for celebrity Homes and world renowned projects
Architectural Detail Group is Edgy, Fun and Serious. Our Lighting, Custom light fixtures, Iron furniture and architectural ornamentation are all made to order. ECLIPSE collateral Included in this presentation are… Continue reading Lighting Group makes fun, edgy and serious design for celebrity Homes and world renowned projects
Gail Barley
Is the business factor in your state really putting a damper on your creativity? Have your opportunities increased or decreased in the last year? This is not about design groups… Continue reading Gail Barley