UPDATE: January 10, 2017
It was announced after the publication of this blog that Los Angeles will be the home of the George Lucas museum. Read more here.
What do you do when you can’t give something away? No strings attached, no cost to you, we are going to give it to you completely free! How would most people respond to an offer like that? Well of course, most people would take the offer without hesitation. Even the more cautious among us would take the offer, after a reasonable amount of due diligence. Since we are agreed on that concept, we must then struggle with why George Lucas cannot ‘give away’ his proposed museum project.
George Can’t Give It Away
George Lucas is a visionary and an icon in American history. Whatever he touches, turns to gold. Nothing that crosses his desk could even remotely be considered sub-standard or shady. So why then, has it been such a frustrating struggle for George Lucas to donate a museum to a major American city? Mr. Lucas has go so far to say, that there will be no costs involved to the host city. He will pay for construction and development, the content of the museum and fund an endowment to ensure the operation of the facility. WOW, now that is a gift, in every possible way.
The problem has been that cities across the country have turned him down flatly! The reasons are mostly superfluous, citing a complete laundry list of reasons why the museum wouldn’t work for them. The most recent effort has been to try and create a competitive situation between San Francisco and Los Angeles. As with previous offers, his vision is being shot down and torn apart by those prospective hosts.
Common Sense Must Prevail
Building this landmark vision of Mr Lucas is really, in every way, a ‘no-brainer’ decision. The presence of a museum that has been envisioned would significantly enhance the culture of a host city. Not to mention, the amount of revenue from tourism would be significant. City leaders need to carve a path for a quick approval in their respective city. There can be nothing but advantages for a host city. May the Force Be With You!
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Above illustration by Simon Abranowicz
From The Factory Floor
Working hard on a new fixture
by ADG Lighting