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August 22, 2008 | General News
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Planning is everything, whether you are doing a major renovation or just switching some pieces in a room. If you’ve ever done any construction, you know what a headache it can be to coordinate all the pieces and people of the design puzzle. But by following our advice, you can watch as the pieces easily all into place.Buy decorative lighting and other fixed pieces that will require specialized installation at the beginning of the project. This way, if the vendor has a backlog on time or product, your project won’t be delayed. It is much better to have the pieces waiting for installation than to have the installers waiting for the pieces because they won’t wait. You’ll have to call back the electrician/plumber or whoever, creating a hassle that you could have avoided had your fixed items been waiting.

Good luck with your new design and let us know how we can help your project to go smoothly.
GO-FORMS project schedule.pdf (55.45 kb)

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