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December 26, 2007 | General News
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If you are a design professional and working on a client’s project, then you most likely have several areas to focus on. And if you want to make your client’s vision come to life, then you should ultimately consider using a qualified lighting/design manufacturer. Here are the Top 5 Reasons here at ADG we feel designers need to retain a qualified lighting/ design manufacturing firm:

1. A good firm will be educating its client and should have a great deal of experience with Architecture and custom lighting, fabrication, installation and incorporation.
Review with the firm multiple successful projects;and be a part of a professional group, i.e. The Institute of Classical Architecture.

2. A good lighting firm will provide you with more than adequate time, product and price guidance.

3. A relationship with a good firm extends beyond your current project and will be available to do future business and to call on for brief questions.

4. A good lighting firm can see the overall concept of your design and can execute your ideas collaborating on the details.

5. A good design firm has the ability to become well versed with the designer and/or architect’s style so that they can compliment the overall aesthetic. Custom, well-designed lighting goes beyond the fixture and is part of the Architecture.

Keep these helpful elements in mind when you are making the decision of which firm or manufacturer you want to hire and that a great custom lighting designer for your next project is as important as good circulation and a well planned design.

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