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<a href=”http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/?attachment_id=205″ rel=”attachment wp-att-205″><img src=”http://adgwebnet.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/gretzky-abc-news-9-2-2010-presentation1-300×196.jpg” alt=”abc news Gretzky Home” title=”gretzky-abc-news-9-2-2010-presentation1″ width=”300″ height=”196″ class=”size-medium wp-image-205″ /></a>
abc news Gretzky Home




Real-estate, High Design, Good Neighborhood. Where is it all these days? From Wayne Gretzky to Lenny Dykstra to whose home this is next all this is – is a transfer of wealth and like the game of Monopoly, some-one is holding all money.  A well designed homelike this employed a team of craftspeople, design professionals and city staff. At the time this was built I was the president of my family business (Lantern Masters) and now the CEo/ founder of ADG Eco Lighting. Both employing the American Worker. So foreclosures or not, what went right in this project is that  it employed many Americans.


At adg Eco Lighting Products we manufacture induction lighting products for www.Greenhotellighting.com, schools, factories and upper end residential. To help keep the dollars in America it’s simple. When building keep using American made products and American service providers. Otherwise it’s like playing Monopoly with the kid that has has to leave the game and has all the money. when will he ever come back or make the loan to the other players.???


Now is the time to help support American businesses.   Many of my friends in Entrepreneurs Organization (US) are making these efforts and may are struggling. Look at what the small Los Angeles based  chapter is doing:


EO Los Angeles


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  EO Global


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abc news Gretzky Home
abc news Gretzky Home


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