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Custom Lighting Manufacturers Do Create the Best Choices

When we speak of custom lighting manufacturers, we refer to our work here at ADG Lighting. Truthfully speaking, there aren’t very many custom lighting manufacturers like us! So what do… Continue reading Custom Lighting Manufacturers Do Create the Best Choices

Custom Lighting Design Will Beautify Your Home

Let’s face it — we are all seduced by exterior perfection. It could be a house, car, or even a human being. It doesn’t matter if it’s an older home,… Continue reading Custom Lighting Design Will Beautify Your Home

Dodger Stadium: Mid-Century Modern Spotlight

Regardless of your generation, if you are a resident of Los Angeles and a Dodger fan, you have fond memories of going to Dodger games, having Dodger Dogs, and the… Continue reading Dodger Stadium: Mid-Century Modern Spotlight

The Life of Oscar Niemeyer

Oscar NiemeyerA,aEUR(TM)s NiterA?A?i Contemporary Art Museum with Sugar Loaf, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Oscar Niemeyer was born on December 15, 1907, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Oscar Niemeyer was a brilliant architect and considered one of the significant figures in what we have… Continue reading The Life of Oscar Niemeyer