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Miami River Hosts a New Industrial Headquarters

The styles of architecture displayed by the buildings in Miami include the pristine examples in the eponymous Art Deco District, but aren’t at all limited to them. Miami and Art Deco… Continue reading Miami River Hosts a New Industrial Headquarters

The Broadway District Rises Again

“I remember walking into those opulent interiors, surrounded by the glory of the Renaissance, or the age of Baroque, and spending two or three hours in the dream world of… Continue reading The Broadway District Rises Again

The Spiteful Destruction of a Frank Lloyd Wright Building

Over two months ago, a real estate developer in Whitefish, Montana, demolished the Lockridge Medical Center. This building was the only structure in the state of Montana designed by Frank… Continue reading The Spiteful Destruction of a Frank Lloyd Wright Building

Are We Losing ADA Protections? And Should We?

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Were you aware that there are one in five, or 56 million Americans living with disabilities? Further, of those 38 million, or one in ten, are considered living with severe… Continue reading Are We Losing ADA Protections? And Should We?

Balkrishna Doshi Recognized For A Lifetime of Social Good

“One is all the time looking at financial returns — that is not only what life is. I think wellness is missing.” Balkrishna Doshi, Architect Balkrishna Doshi has become the… Continue reading Balkrishna Doshi Recognized For A Lifetime of Social Good