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Who is Arata Isozaki?

view through windows of the Allianz Tower, designed by architect Arata Isozaki from the underground shop center

Arata Isozaki is a world-renowned Japanese architect who has work standing in virtually every continent of the world. The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), in Los Angeles, California, was designed… Continue reading Who is Arata Isozaki?

Frank Gehry: Is He the World’s Worst Architect?

Guggenheim Bilbao Spain taken in 2015

His name given at birth is Frank Owen Goldberg; he was born in Toronto, Canada, on February 28th, 1929. His love of architecture came at a very young age. He… Continue reading Frank Gehry: Is He the World’s Worst Architect?

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Architect Kazuyo Sejima

“Architecture is how people meet space.” — Kazuyo Sejima On October 29, 1956, Kazuyo Sejima was born in Ibaraki, a Japanese prefecture 62 miles from Tokyo. Kazuyo received her master’s… Continue reading Women’s History Month Spotlight: Architect Kazuyo Sejima

In Honor of Women’s History Month: Norma Merrick Sklarek

Norma Merrick Sklarek was often referred to as the “Rosa Parks of Architecture.” This was due to the fact that she had to overcome much adversity when she started her… Continue reading In Honor of Women’s History Month: Norma Merrick Sklarek

In Honor of Women’s History Month

As everyone knows, every March is designated as Women’s History Month. We honor women who had a significant impact on history. Not only did they make a huge impact, but… Continue reading In Honor of Women’s History Month