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Mother Nature’s Influences

Much of our design inspiration comes from what surrounds us. The forces of nature are no different. They have influenced and inspired design for centuries. Every aspect of our of our architecture reflects the environment we live in. What works in an North American environment may not be suitable for the deserts of the Middle East. With the California drought surpassing its fifth year, we see architects being inspired by the local environment more than ever before. Their vision is now taking into consideration every area of our living space that could be impacted by a prolonged drought season and the future potential of drought events. California design professionals have always incorporated a higher level of environmental impact in their design, but now, these influences are taking a front seat in the design inspiration.

Considering Conservation in California

A recently awarded project in downtown Los Angeles reflects the influences of the drought in a sprawling modern landscape. The project is called FAB Park and is envisioned as a water-conscious plaza in the heart of downtown. The designers were inspired by the needs of Angelenos to conserve water in a prolonged drought environment and the demands of the ever expanding urban sprawl. The project will take advantage of elements that are vibrant in lower water conditions, but provide significant shading and comfort to the people enjoying the park environment. To supplement this lush shady environment, a state of the art storm water capture system will be implemented to capture and reuse water in the most efficient manner possible. The space will also engage solar panels in the design to provide power for lighting and other mechanical operations of the park, along with a restaurant space that will call the park home.

Environmental Inspiration Captures Our Future

Moving forward, the impact of environmental impacts on architecture and design will be at the forefront in California. Fortunately, architects and designers working in California have consistently considered conservation and green efforts into their designs. The drought will now become a driving force in their creativity.

Make sure when you are partnering with an architecture or design firm, you are finding the right partner who embraces environmental considerations in their work. ADG Lighting has always considered these influences in our creative processes. Visit us at www.adglighting.com and learn how we can bring your inspiration to life. Visit our Custom Request form and let’s begin our collaborative process for your project.

(Featured Image by MLA/OMA)


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