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June 13, 2013 | Lighting
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Email from Designer Cami Forte – a class act 🙂

Hi Guys,
> I am so sorry that I couldn’t be there for the install, but I saw the fixture today and it looks SOOOOOO AWESOME!!! Thank you Gerald and Joey for all of your hard work making this monster happen!! It’s really gorgeous!!! I couldn’t be happier!!! Love the bulb sizing, gauge, color, EVERYTHING!!!
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> Thanks again!!
> Cami

Such a great idea – it is like an open range hood over the center Island of this Malibu home. We provided the structure without the skinning. Then the blown glass pyrex shapes are like old time light bulbs. So classic with a modern and hip twist.

Previously we complete the Esquire home with Cami as one of the Designers. Paris Hilton’s Boyfriend bought the property for her. Then we worked on Keyshawn Johnson’s famed Calabassas Oaks Estate. that’s where he chewed-out the Beeb for Ferrari speeding. Good Job KJ. His estate is across from Mama Jackson’s home. Lot’s of popularity in a short blog.

Thanks again Cami for being a great client. Also pictured above is our client actually helping Joey G put the bulbs into the fixture.


For more info about Custom Lighting or Custom Lanterns by ADG Lighting and the TEAM at Architectural Detail Group, Inc call 818-597-9494. We are an International provider of custom light fixtures, chandeliers, eco lighting and brass lanterns and iron lanterns. we use LED and induction lighting in our fixtures as well.

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