New England type estates Presentation by ADG Lighting ADG lighting New England Style Estates 1 click here for presentation
Project Photo – Michael Smith from his design styles. Gerald Olesker made this beautiful piece of glass work as one of the elements in this celebrity Malibu estate. Crossover architectural details can be in New England style, modern in Newport beach to Martha’s vineyard. homes in Connecticut, details and designed by Gail Barley interiors also utilize Architectural Detail Group’s lighting and elements.
ADG Crossover presentaion is downloadable by clicking.
According to Historic New England Organization the First Period (Post-Medieval English): 1600-1700. Those projects built during the first generation of settlement by English colonists, First Period architecture owes much of its appearance to building traditions from Europe. It could be argued that houses from this period are without style; they were not designed by architects. Yet several common elements mark these structures and two distinct traditions developed (northern and southern) with corresponding similarities of form and appearance. Each of these traditions took advantage of materials at hand as well as architectural features suited to their respective climates.
In New England, colonists departed from traditional European wattle and daub (woven lattice of wooden strips covered with a material………
Additional insides into New England styles can be viewed on this site as well. click here..

A Design Style unmatched by many. Virgil McDowell Craftsman, Artisan, educated is deemed by many a secret weapon in architectural styling.
According to my Good friend Virgil McDowell (project pictured above) his design approach brings careful attention to historical precedents or classical detail essential to graceful, well proportioned homes, whether in the eloquent symmetry of the Georgian facade, the Grand style of a Palladian Manner or the simplicity and restraint of a European farmhouse.
Many of these designs feature handcrafted limestone and custom ironwork. He also enjoy using older, traditional materials such as slate, antique heart-of-pine floors and unique architectural antique doors, floor tiles, and hand carved stone reliefs.
Part of Virgil’s expertise includes old world techniques of watercolor rendering similar to those taught at L’Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, pencil rendering, both in perspective and evaluation, and quick sketch marker techniques, which enhance the communication process. Virgil will also depict his strong background in the classical orders, proportion systems both exterior and interior and site/garden axial planning use by traditional architects of the past.
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Fluent in all periods, styles and vernaculars. Virgil McDowell will take great interest in the design and planning of paneled rooms and other related case goods. The design process is collaborative with each client, inspired by and responsive to their specific desires, needs, program and budget.
Lighting and projects with William Hablinski have been a part of Gerald Olesker’s 20 years career working with the Elite. Project by Hablinski pictured below. Click to see his website.